I departed Canada
on June 13th and arrived in Juba on June 17th meaning
that it has been one year to today since I arrived in South Sudan. When I
arrived it was not yet a country. It was still part of Sudan. Today, South
Sudan is its own struggling country.
For five months I
was privileged enough to experience living in one of the last existing tent
camps in Juba. I was surrounded by 30 plus people, sharing a living space;
sharing 2 showers, one toilet, one squat toilet and one sink with roughly 10-15
women. In order to have my clothes washed I collected it in a pile on the floor
in the morning and when I returned in the evening it would all be hanging on
the clothes line strung up from my tent poles.
The birth of a new
nation. The newest country in the world. The 193rd country on
record. I was here to experience that. To experience the unending joy of the
South Sudanese people. To be carried away in to the overwhelming emotions of
Independence. To become a part of it. Once in a lifetime experience.
I have met people
from all over the world who have to South Sudan for various reasons. There are
two classifications for the ex-pats here: 1. There are the ex-pats who have
come here to work with an organization of company to help the people of South
Sudan and help build the country. 2. The other ex-pats are the ones that have
come here for the business opportunities $$$. I am sure you can guess which
group I belong to…

I have worked for a
massive American company, providing medical training for soldiers. I have obviously
not done the training but I am behind the scenes. I help to ensure that the
courses are organized and supplies with all the equipment and materials
required to make them function. It has been a challenging and rewarding
I have experienced,
from a distance in Juba, the never-ending disputes with Sudan and inter-tribal
fighting. I experienced the repercussions of the fighting with seeing the
influx of casualties in the Hospital, which is our neighbor.

I have been able to get a glimpse of what South Sudanese people have been through and continue to go through each day. No matter the negative opinions many people surrounding the country have about the South Sudanese people, I believe that they are a resilient people. To survive what this country has gone through says nothing less.
I have experienced
so much more than just what I have written here. I have experienced so much it
is almost hard to remember everything all at once. The experience will continue
and memories will be made. I am excited.
Lady! You are too cool. And brave. And you've been and seen to many amazing things because of that. Man I'm proud of you. :) I like being able to say you're my friend, or tell someone that a girl I went to school with (and liked... ) did this or that. Keep being wonderful and doing amazing things.