Friday, September 7, 2012

Day 456 - August Lost

All of a sudden it is September 8th. August is gone and September is close to being half over.

Where did the month go and what have I done?

Olympics. I watched a lot of the Olympics. I watched very little of the summer Olympics and I had forgot how much I enjoy watching them.

Work is the same old, same old. We will be starting a new period in October, meaning courses will be starting over with new scheduling and course work.

The rainy season seems to be in full swing, however, I do not think we have had as much rain this year as we did last year. I did do a lot more walking last year. Rain is easily noticed when you have to walk through mud and puddles to go to the bathroom, walk to work, etc, etc.

I arrived home on August 22. Was able to be present for a good friends wedding and visit with a very good old friend. My time at home has been jam packed with driving to and fro, visiting friends and family. The greatest day was August 29 when my nephew William was born. He is a sweetheart and has succeeded at stealing my heart just as much as Medea has. One more reason to stay around in good ol' Alberta. 

I spent time in Saskatchewan, for a friends wedding and for a visit to a very good friend who I have not seen in almost two years. I spent half my time in Edmonton and the other half in Olds. I put a lot of miles in on the road and every minute of it was worth it. I was able to spend a great amount of time with all of my family, however, my mother would probably tell you differently :) I even got to see most of my aunts, uncles and cousins.

I am actually sitting in the airport as I write this (started writing this post on the 4th and never got it finished, opps).

The last sixteen days have been an absolute whirlwind but a wonderful whirlwind that could have lasted much longer. It felt like I was home for much longer than I really was. I could not have asked for a better trip.

1 comment:

  1. The visit was most spectacular. Come back sooner next time please!
