Coco Cola had its mark on absolutely everything. Coco Cola Signs everywhere!
Tarmac. Everywhere. It was overwhelming and extremely enjoyable to drive on. They outlined potholes with spray paint. I found that very entertaining. I kinda think we may do that back home, but they did this with every single imperfection in the road, big or small. I did not experience the real Mombasa, but that is ok for now I think...
The beach was amazingly wonderful. I did not want to leave it.
I have been trying to find a hammock to set up here in the compound and brilliant individual I am I did not look for one while I was in Mombasa...I did get to spend some lovely hours relaxing and reading in one though...
Hot water showers are still a luxury. I must admit I used way too much water there. I didn't shut the water on and off as I usually do. I just let it run. Horrible. But the warm water was sooo nice!
I had numerous conversations with locals on the beach selling things and the security guards about South Sudan. The opportunities there, what the security situation is, how the country is doing. It was awesome. I met some America guys at the resort and they had no clue where South Sudan was or that it was the newest country in the world. Funny how when you are so involved in a place you get offended by that kind of stuff. It just makes me wonder if they have been living under a rock to not know of the newest country in the world. I am sure there are things like that else where that I do not know about but still...NEWEST COUNTRY!
I wrote down a list of things so that I could remember to write about them and you know what I did? I lost the piece of paper I wrote everything down on...Fail.
So I will leave you with this...
That is a wonderful view. I would love to have a hammock.