Saturday, February 6, 2016

Day 4: Coffee

For all you coffee lovers out there, I am sorry to say that you would be sorely disappointed with the quantity (and sometimes quality) of the coffee here. A large coffee can be drank in a few minutes, unless you savour it and drink very slowly. Fortunately for me I am the slowest hot drink drinker ever. I am learning that all the coffee is brewed from an espresso machine. Drip coffee? I think not. A new country and a new world of coffee. I will likely get used to it as there are tons of coffee shops everywhere to go and enjoy your daily caffeine fix. A good opportunity to find a new favorite way to drink coffee. 

We ventured to Oriental Bay to a cafe called Chocolate Fish. And aside from the view, the spacious outdoor patio, bikes and trikes available for kids to burn off energy, the best part of this cafe was their dog parking. Leash lock and water for your pooch. Brilliant.

1 comment:

  1. Yum...espresso. You take after me in the hot drink dept
