Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day One Hundred & Forty Three - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Today I printed about 25 pages of documents, non of which were double sided. In the process of printing these documents I wasted about the same amount of pieces of paper due to printer difficulties. And you know what is so bad about this? All of these papers get put in the garbage. I am keeping them for scrap paper, but the majority of people throw them in the trash. I have though about this issue a lot. The whole issue of the lack of, or shall I say non-existent, recycling system here. The only things that get recycled are some water bottles and of course beer bottle get reused. Water bottles get reused for various purposes – soap holders, water, and petrol, cooking oil containers, which are sold to the public or used in restaurants. This is actually very clever because they poke holes in the cap and then can use it as a sprinkle/control the amount of liquid that comes out.


It hurts me a little every time I see someone throw trash on the ground or throw away something that back home could be recycled.

Here you bury your trash, throw it in the nearest giant pile of trash or burn it. The smell of burning trash will never get old, nor will it ever be pleasant. Funny thing about burning trash here, it reminds me of living out at the acreage and when we would burn the trash in the burning barrel.

In short, the implementation of a recycling program would be fabulous here. Obviously this is not the top on the list of what South Sudan needs but it certainly would help with sanitation and cleanliness.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, the burning barrel. Whenever I smell burning garbage I think of that. I remember being terrified to walk the garbage out to it when it was dark out. I'd run all the way back to the porch, because I was safe on the porch, apparently...I can imagine the stress of the waste you see.
