The Swahili phrase Sukuma Wiki means "push the week", implying that it is a staple used to stretch the family meals to last for the week. It is made from collard greens or kale, boiled with various spices. In Kenya, the plant traditionally used is a tall-growing cabbage variety elsewhere known as "walking stick cabbage" for the tall woody stalk it produces. It is often served with ugali, a porridge type thing made from maize. (Ugali has a very different consistenty than porriage does, it is solid, not runny like porriage, however, the it does remind me of cream of wheat).
The best sukuma wiki I have had was while I was in Aweil this past week, from a place called Pacific. They must have been growing it locally because they had sukuma wiki every day at every meal. I was happy.
Now the Sukuma Wiki I have been eating if from a place called Migingo which is across the tarmac road at the end of Transmillenium road. It is a great place. I get a bowl of beans, a bowl of sukuma wiki and a bowl of rice or ugali AND a bottle of water for a mere 5 SSG, which is about $2 CDN. Now that is my kind of meal.
I just received a dish of masala chips from the cook at Arkel. He is a very kind man. Masala chips are another Kenyan dish and are delicious but not healthy as they are fries. Masala chips are a deliciously spicy alternative to your average fries and go very nicely with a bottle of Kenya's "Finest Quality Lager", Tusker.

That looks delish!! Now I'm hungry...