Thursday, September 1, 2011

Day Eighty One - Back to the Basics

South Sudan officially has its own currency as of today. Goodbye SGD and hello SSD.

We moved back to Transmillenium this evening. Home sweet home. After waiting for Lawrence who got lost trying to find our compound, 2 round trips, and dragging bags through the dirt, we have officially moved back. The compound we moved to had to many bad vibes and it was really not working out for us. I am happy with being back at Transmillenium, although I will miss the concrete floor and locking door. Tents are not ideal but this compound is so much better. More secure, better people who do not lie to you, better toilets and a better location. And they even put down new dirt so the paths and parking lot is much better and not so muddy. Less mud makes me happy.

Who knew we would prefer to live in the tents.

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