Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Day Eighty - Cooking

Yet another beautiful rainy day in Juba, I went running at UNMIS and only almost fell twice. No flattened, dead frogs, but there were a whole bunch of hobbit sized vultures. Seriously. These things are huge. Some of them are perched on top of lamp posts and they seriously look like small humans sitting up there. Massive.

Thanks to our great personalities and excellent working skills, we have been provided with a temporary office near Arkel. This could not have come at a better time considering the fuel shortage. No more long trips to the office at Jebel for a while.

The highlight of my day was being able to cook our dinner!! We made some friends who have a kitchen and do not like cooking for themselves. They offered their kitchen to us, provided that they get to eat the food we make. Pretty good deal I would say. We only have two elements to cook on and the oven did not seem to want to cooperate with us but we managed to cook up a pretty good meal of stuffed peppers and a yummy corn, tomato, red onion and feta salad. It was a lot of fun and so nice to hangout at a 'real house' and have good conversations over good food and wine.

It was a lovely evening. And of course our food was so delicious we were given an open invitation to cook for them anytime we want.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds yummy! A use of a kitchen would be fantastic after eating out for so long!
