I bought a pair of gum boots (what I call rubber boots) today. Slightly against my own will but I think it was a necessary purchase and I will not ever regret buying them. Alexandra would not have let me leave Rumbek without purchasing them anyways so I had no choice. Haha. I will forever be reminded of the acreage/the farm when I slip on a pair of rubber boots. Now I am one of the kawajas who wear gum boots around...
This morning I had tea in the market at a shop who's generator had just started working so they were taking full advantage. I do not know if I will ever get used to the ruckus made by generators. It is so invasive and disruptive to your senses. I was sitting on blue chair, beside a blue door, drinking my "heavy tea leaves and little sugar" tea, out of a ceramic coffee mug. I have noticed that here in Rumbek glass mugs without a handle are not very common. I was sitting somewhat out of sight of people walking past the tea shop so I could observe and people watch without much disturbance.
Your gum boots are very nice and I am sure you will be glad to have them instead of sandels in the mud!