I combed my hair for the first time in 6 weeks this morning. It actually felt pretty good. Tangle free for at least a few hours…
I had a decent breakfast of tomatoes, cucumber, beans and 3 pieces of toast and a crepe. They always give me extra bread because of the fact that I don’t eat meat…they must not want me to wither away and see filling me up with carbs will help.
All three of us went to meet with the County Commissioner, who was not in his office, so we went to the SSRRC office in the mean time. The formality of these meetings always makes me nervous. My tendency to giggle due to nerves decided to surface today. I managed to control it through most of the interviews though, thankfully. We made our way back to the C.C. office and met with the executive director while we waited for the County Commissioner. He was a very knowledgeable individual and actually gave us more information than the county commissioner did. Because we did not have our data collectors or translator at this point it was a short day out on the town. We did go to the market where I was able to purchase a new pair of slippers since I left mine in Juba and almost killed myself in the shower without my slippers on…and we got some water due to the fact a small bottle of water costs 4 SDG here at Safari Style.
We took lunch and then prepared for our meeting with our potential data collectors at 2pm. We actually interviewed a woman, which is very rare, but unfortunately her English was not as good as we needed it to be to be one of our data collectors. I was very disappointed. We managed to track down a 3rd data collector by the end of the day so training can begin tomorrow.
We now eat at 8pm to avoid the swarms of mosquitoes. Seriously there are thousands of them at dusk, they just hover around your head it is disgusting. By 8 it is dark and half the mosquitoes disappear. There is still way too many of them at this time. Tonight there was chicken soup so I didn’t have any but asked for one of the rolls. What does Saidi our waiter do for me? He brings a plate of 8 rolls to our table. Seriously. It was hilarious. Alexandra doesn’t eat them so there were 8 rolls to share between Benedicte and I. I think my mother has some competition over who is more concerned with my eating habits, her or the people here at Safari Style.
Six weeks Caryn!