Rumbek I will miss you. You treated me well with your cooler temperatures, nice people, nice roads and your night skies.
Incredibly our flight left on time. We did not have to wait at the airport for very long. The flight was over in a blink of an eye it seemed. Due to the small number of people on our 50-seater plane, the landing was less than desireable. Quite bumping and stomach jolting. Gross.
On our walk to the terminal we were blasted with a nice gust of wind and filth from what I presume was a passing plane. Once in the terminal we had to wrangle our way to our luggage. It is diffcult to get people to move out of the way for you so a little shove is usually necessary.
We went to work at Arkel...remember those deadlines I was talking about...
Today was a disappointing food day. The Ethipian restaurant and the Chinese place both let us down.
I found Orion's Belt last night for the first time. It made my day! Due to the fact that I am halfway across the world my sense of direction is a little off and the constellations are in different places in the sky and are all facing other directions. For instance Orion back home is vertical in the sky, here he is laying on his side. A very different perspective.
I was also givena Dinka name by a man who was working at Safaria Style. The name he gave me was Amir. I haven't accepted it yet because I do not know what it means but it is still pretty cool. I will keep you posted on whether or not I figure out what it means...
Maybe you and Dad were looking at the same stars--just at opposite times! It was cold here last night though with a frost warning--don't think it froze though.