Friday, August 12, 2011

Day Sixty-One - Training Begins

I woke up at 6am today due to bad dreams and voices in my room. I may have to blame that on the malaria pills…or my insanity. Not a pleasant speaking experience. Due to my early rising I was able to get in a sufficient amount of time on the internet which was actually functioning well enough to use skype. Mom, Dan and Cherilyn were fortunate enough to get to talk with me for an hour and see where I am staying at the moment.

Saidi gave me 3 crepes, I asked for only one, for breakfast today along with some beans, tomatoes and cucumbers. I used my peanut butter for my crepes and it was delicious.

I started training my data collectors today. We found a nice place near the market to do the training, Green View Hotel and Bar. Training went well, we even started training on the phones today.

I got spaghetti with cheese for lunch today! Comfort food! It was very good.

Cattle here have the biggest horns ever. They are very impressive. Seriously one of the cows I saw looked like the weight of its horns was heavier than its backside.

I had tea this afternoon in the market. It was very mediocre. It actually made me miss Malakal. The tea was soooo good in Malakal.

I watched a goat eat a tissue today.


1 comment:

  1. "I watched a goat eat a tissue today."

    I actually laughed out loud at that.
