I met a woman today. This woman (I unfortunately do not recall her name) had heard we were new people working in town so wanted to get to know us and introduced herself as working in the area with a North American organization. Of course being from North America I asked which one and in reply she said MCC. Awesome. Random. The mennonite world is small. She knows 2 people who I know from CMU. And there were even 2 people who graduated from CMU years ago also working here. I did not catch their names due to the fact that we were heading out to go finish doing our work. But my goodness everywhere it always amazes me how small the world really is.
I got to drive today AND the stearing wheel was on the wrong side! It felt surprisingly normal. Mind you I did not have to drive on the opposite side of the road but still not normal for me to be sitting on the right side of the vehicle driving. It was awesome. It made me want to have my own personal vehicle, except the thought of driving in Juba is a little scary. I could do it though. I am aggressive enough I could drive in Juba.
I also went swimming and basked in the glorious sun which my body was craving today. I think the last 2 days have been too overcast and my skin was revolting against the clouds. It got sun. Plenty of it. Benedicte and I even got to entertain a group of young children, who I think were mostly boys, while we were swimming. We were there for about 2 hours and while laying on the nice wooden sun beds, we noticed some snickering near us. The fence to the hotel compound is next to public property so anyone can walk past. Hence the small children snickering and staring at us. I am sure we were quite a sight with our kawaja skin showing in our bathing suits. They were probably overwhelmed with our whiteness. The total head count was 9. Then they were chased away by one of the staff from the hotel and oh man did those kids run. Haha.
We were attacked by a bold beetle at dinner. Actually Alexandra was attacked. Well her soup was attacked. Unfortunately I was sitting right beside Alexandra and when she freaked out about the massive beetle that had just landed in her carrot soup (which tasted like the chicken soup from the previous evening it was just orange tonight) I also freaked out because I then saw the massive black thing in her bowl. The staff and the one man sitting at the next table were all very concerned about all of the commotion coming from our table. I reassured them that we were ok, it was just a bug, and to ignore us. (This was not the first time I had to do this) Their faces were priceless though. They must think we are crazy. We must have looked so ridiculous. I swear if the bug was any bigger or would have landed in Alexandra's lap the table would have been upended. I think if it would have landed in my soup something would have been spilled. This was our dinner adventure.
Living in luxury...minus the attack of the bold bugs.
I think it is nice to be reminded that the world is not as big as it seems some times and nice for you to make connections. Yuk to the bug!