Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day Seventeen - RE-DO

The alarm went off at 5am and I cringed. I had only gone to bed 4 hours before. NOT enough sleep. Still issues with the surveys so I ended up printing off the questions that were not present on the re-downloaded surveys...I am currently re-downloading them again and all I can think about is sleep and how I want to destroy these phones.

We had a different driver and different land cruiser today. This was NOT a good thing. He took 3 hours to get to Gok Machar instead of 2, and the land cruiser was horribly uncomfortable. I tried to sleep on the seats in the back on the way up, which in turn made it look like I had rolled around in the dirt.

I sent the data collectors out to do the work they couldn't do yesterday, had some tea and wrote. In the afternoon I took the computer out and attempted to start working on making tables for the final report. I don't really know what I am doing so it didn't get much done :)

Another bumpy loonnngg ride back. Chicken and rice. Work with phones....which I wish would find their way into someone else's hands...


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like another frustrating day! Remember to breathe!
